I released The Music Photographer DVD a few years ago. First off, thanks to everyone who supported me and purchased a copy. I really appreciate your support; you enabled me to do a lot more with my career. That being said, I do think it’s valuable knowledge and I have decided I want everyone to have it before it gets too old. I know a lot of people that follow me are rather young, and money is an issue. So here is the DVD for free. If you feel like you must have a physical copy, you can get it at www.themusicphotographerdvd.com at my cost. It’s not quite updated yet, so give me a few days, but it will be $20 on the site soon enough. Until then, here it is. Share it, and enjoy! Learning, fun, school, internet!
The Music Photographer DVD Part 1 – Industry
The Music Photographer DVD Part 2 – Photoshoot