This was my 6th or 7th year photographing and traveling on Warped Tour. I love it. It opened up more opportunities in my career than I can count. You can read about them–I think I have blogged just about every Warped Tour I have been on in my blog. Anyway, this year I was bored. It’s not that Warped Touring is boring–the shots were just not very challenging for me! Not trying to sound show-offy, just being honest. I have shot Warped Tour A LOT.
I need to learn and grow. Plus, anyone can get the shots. Everyone has access everywhere it seems and there are at least 15 photographers on Warped Tour at all times. In addition, there are so many photographers trying to get on stage I just felt bad even asking, so shooting from the pit was preferable for me. When I started there was maybe one other photographer. Her name is Lisa Johnson, and she has been there since the start – *bow down*. Anyway, I decided to make myself a real-life video game. I am a collector, I like to collect things. Nothing physical anymore- I don’t have space for that! But photos, photos I can collect. So I decided to gather people’s faces. I created a few rules for myself. Every game has rules, that’s what makes it a challenge!
– must be able to see the pores of subject – must use 70-200mm with 2x extender on it, or a 400mm if you decided to sell the car you don’t have (talking to myself here) – must shoot in daylight/keep ISO under 3600 or it becomes too grainy – you can break these rules once in a while
This is something I have been shooting and figuring out since last year at Warped Tour, and I feel like I have finally gotten pretty good at it. You can find a few other onstage portraits scattered throughout my Warped Tour 2013 post and in my Soundwave 2014 post. I just love them so much. I want to print out each one and touch the person’s face. Is that creepy? I just love seeing it all close up in a setting where you usually aren’t able to get that close.
So, now you know why I was walking around with a lens that was the size of your arm at Warped Tour this year. Anyway, here they are in no particular order.
Warped Tour Onstage Portraits
A few images not from Warped… but they don’t belong anywhere else, so here goes.
If you see any photos you like, put them on your Tumblr, tweet them at the artist pictured, spread them on the interweb. Put the images to use as much as you can, I love seeing them everywhere.